Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Representation of Christ

1 Peter 1: 13-15 "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope FULLY upon the GRACE that is brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in ALL you conduct."
          Working at Walmart has recently been giving me much opportunity to observe the many people I encounter on a daily basis. This biggest thing that bothered me today is the fact that we separate ourselves into our own made up "groups". For example, one who has money automatically becomes better than one that doesn't, or they even see themselves as a much higher priority than myself. In some ways, I can understand (having a higher education, having to work hard for the successful position you are in, etc.). But, does/should this get in the way of our ministry? So many "worlds" the human race separates itself into. It breaks my heart to remember that Jesus died so that one day ALL people will confess He is the only TRUE and LIVING Lord. It breaks my heart because the closer He and I get in our friendship, the more I can feel His heart. None of us should be in a position to judge. Watching protests against a bill being signed for an equal rights marriage and seeing people at Planned Parenthood be just plain nasty because people have opposing beliefs. In my own opinion, this will not and cannot change any non-believer's opinions. We cannot throw out harsh judgement when we have our own sins we deal with on a daily basis. I think the girl who has an abortion will respond to someone who listens, someone that is loving, someone who puts on Christ and cries with her and communicates with her without a convicting tone. We all deserve a second chance, correct? Granted, there is repentance needing brought forth, but isn't there something we ALL have or have to repent of? What we need to do in these times of pressing, in these last days, is unite together and begin to act as the Bride of Christ. Our point of existence isn't merely the fact of bringing people to Christ, it's loving Him and befriending Him to the point that you desire NOTHING else. In this place, you will begin to be the representation of Christ that attracts our lost brothers and sisters to Jesus. KNOW HIM! simply Him and only Him! He is all it takes; He is all you need; He is the ONLY One that can and and will bring people to Him.

Father, I am sorry for any wrong I have brought to any person. I pray for those struggling trying to find who they are, who they are in You. Jesus, I am sorry that we daily take for granted the death you died on the cross. Bring you children to you. Jesus I ask that you come. Fall on your people. Use me more and more to help others understand you. My hope and desire is to become a representation of who You are. Jesus you purchased me when I was impure; you bought me in your complete purity. You washed me clean and set me free, free to worship you, bow at your feet, and give you my EVERYTHING. I humbly give you me! Right now I ask that the way people present themselves in a daily mannor becomes a reflection of who you are. Be with your broken ones and be their comfort. I love you Jesus, In your name, amen. 

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