Thursday, August 23, 2012

Beholding the Glory of the Lord...

“Our destination needs to be God. Our obsession needs to be bringing people closer to Him.”
-David Sliker

"Father I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world." 
-John 17:24

     The past few weeks of teachings have strengthened my inner man in many ways. I feel that my foundational roots, grounded in the knowledge of who Jesus really is, have gone deeper than they have ever reached before. Last week, and the week prior, we were given the wonderful privilege to have Stephen Venable teaching us through Christology (simply the knowledge of Christ) along with the importance of Night and Day prayer. I am privileged to say that the reality of intimacy with the Lord has become the number one focus for me. Sure, there are MANY things I have yet to work on. But, intimacy has been something I’ve been praying to be more revealed to me for over a year now. 

     The Lord has welcomed me deep into His chamber of intimacy. (I don’t want to romanticize this in causing one to think that I view the Lord as my significant other or something) But, reality is, He has called us to partner with Him as a husband calls his wife (Eph. 5:25). I mean, simply look at the Godhead in the trinity: there’s the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father initiates conversation with the Son; the Son responds (John 5:19-24, 36.); The Holy Spirit Responds to the Son’s plea. 

     This is where my mind was blown: Jesus came down, as a Bridegroom after His Bride so that the Bride may commune alongside Him in the Godhead (John 17:24 Genesis 1). This is not to be mistaken with the thought that we have taken the place of Jesus in the Godhead. All glory is still, and has always supposed to be, given to the Lord. But, we have the beautiful invitation to partner with Him, next to Him, to hear the initiation from the Father and to respond diligently to His voice so that the Holy Spirit acts on His behalf. 

     Love and choice go hand in hand; this is why there were two trees in the garden. The Lord gives man the choice to be diligent to Him, or succumb to this world. We can either grow closer to Him, or closer to the evil, seducing desires of this world.

     With this reality intercession has taken a high priority in my life. He is literally molding my heart with a burden for what burdens His, to love what He loves and hate what He hates. I am working towards learning how to quickly respond to the eternal initiator quickly. I want to be able to see Jesus face to face and hear Him say to me, “Well done”. To be real I still have much to learn, unfortunately my flesh often gets in the way and I don’t respond to His invitation all the time. But, I am seeking out a lifestyle worthy to His calling. 

     I am honored to be part of this program and to be given the opportunity to sit at the Lord’s feet and be like Mary of Bethany (John 12). This is such an important hour in history and I am excited to be a part of the historical event Jesus is beginning to lay before us. 

Prayer Focus:
*For me to live a sojourning sacrificial lifestyle
*The He continues to reveal to me the wounds of His heart.
*Divine strategy on reaching Muslims
*Dreams and visions to be released to my team
*Dreams and visions to be released upon Muslims about the Man Jesus Christ
*Boldness/Authority in proclaiming to Gospel

Interested in Supporting my team and me in our outreach to the Middle East? There is a PayPal link to the right of this blog, or to give with a tax-deduction follow the instructions below:
To give online:
1.) go to and click on the link for online giving.
2.) on the next page, enter you email address and follow the instructions for online going. 
3.) when entering your payment amount, make sure that "Luke 18 Project" is selected as the designation. (the program I am in is under Luke 18 Project) (if Luke 18 Project is not selected, the payment will not go toward my program). Also, make sure you are making a one-time donation, not recurring) 
4. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE. Once the transaction is completed, you will receive an email receipt. Please forward the receipt to '' with my name (Conrad Brown) in the subject line.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Here am I, send me..."

Only a few more days to get $4,000! Want to help send me by sowing into world evangelism financially? There are two options... CLick on the PayPal link to the right of this blog, or here's the tax-deductible process: 

By check: (try to get this in the mail either today or tomorrow)
1.) Make checks payable to "IHOP-KC". 
2.) In the check memo, write "ACTS July 12 Missions". (PLEASE MAKE SURE NOT TO WRITE MY NAME ON THE CHECK.)
3.) Mail the check to me at:
Conrad Brown
c/o ACTS 
3517 East Red Bridge Road
Kansas City, MO 64137.

To give online:
1.) go to and click on the link for online giving.
2.) on the next page, enter you email address and follow the instructions for online going. 
3.) when entering your payment amount, make sure that "Luke 18 Project" is selected as the designation. (the program I am in is under Luke 18 Project) (if Luke 18 Project is not selected, the payment will not go toward my program). Also, make sure you are making a one-time donation, not recurring) 
4. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE. Once the transaction is completed, you will receive an email receipt. Please forward the receipt to '' with my name (Conrad Brown) in the subject line.

If you have any questions let me know!
phone: 573.253.3308

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Delight yourself in the Lord..."

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.." - Psalm 37:4

Tuesday nights we are given the opportunity to go with our outreach teams and evangelize throughout Kansas City.  My team goes to a predominately Muslim community. The weeks prior to this week I personally was getting discouraged because no one cared to hear about Jesus being the One true living God. This Tuesday, however, was much different. My partner and I began praying and asking the Lord to lead us where He wanted us. After walking around the area, we saw a little girl (about 5) run toward the street and we both had a sense that we were supposed to pray for someone at that house. Sure enough, a man came toward his daughter to get her away from the road and he was on crutches (we found out he had dislocated his knee).

As we got closer to the house, we saw an Imam (Islamic leader) sitting in front of the house. (What is important to note about this particular Imam is the fact that another group the previous week spoke with this same man. He was, in a way, shut off from hearing that Jesus is more than just a prophet). We decided to walk by and pray for the Lord to give us the strength and the boldness to approach this family and pray healing over the man on crutches. 

We walked up to the family and told them we were Christians and told them we felt that we were supposed to pray healing over his leg and that Jesus would heal him. The man accepted us and even the Imam allowed us to pray over this man. I began praying and asked Jesus to reveal himself as God to the family. I asked the Spirit to dwell in his house and that they would be brought to salvation. I asked to Lord to heal the man. As I was praying heat began radiating off me. I could feel the power of the Lord working inside this man. The funny thing is that the Imam helped translate my prayer, but the man knew some english.  I stopped and asked how he was feeling and the man said, "Less pain, less pain!" He seemed enthusiastic. I told him I wanted him to test it out. He got up and used his crutches and I told him to walk on the leg we were praying over. 

The man said again, "Less pain!" I told him that because there was more pain, I wanted to contend for complete restoration. So he allowed me to pray over him once again. As I was praying my body was on fire. It felt as though someone had dipped me in hot oil. At the end I asked him what he was feeling and he said with a very concerned face, "No pain, no pain." I told him that Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God was real, that He is more than a prophet and that he healed his knee. He seemed hesitant to take the brace off, as he kept looking at the Imam. I told him that he was completely healed and that even before he went to bed he would be walking without the crutches. 

I tell this story to encourage myself and to let those who read this know that there is fruit coming out of Kansas City. Signs and Wonders are being released over the people. 

Last night I did a night watch prayer time in the Prayer Room from midnight to 6am and a group of us were praying for financial breakthrough. As we were praying, we felt the Lord telling us to find our delight in Him. I was led to Psalm 37 and meditated over is a majority of the night. We began to prophecy over one another and just spoke truth. We told each other what the Lord wanted to say. He affirmed each of us, He met us all where we were. He is so faithful! I love that we serve a God that loves to love us. When we position our hearts, He is our stronghold; He is our provider. 

I do ask that you pray with me as I still need $4,000 to be able to go into the Middle East. I want to invite everyone who reads this to prayerfully consider sowing into the hastening of the Lord's return. 

Want to help send me by sowing into world evangelism financially? Here's the tax-deductible process: 

By check: 
1.) Make checks payable to "IHOP-KC". 
2.) In the check memo, write "ACTS July 12 Missions". (PLEASE MAKE SURE NOT TO WRITE MY NAME ON THE CHECK.)
3.) Mail the check to me at:
         Conrad Brown
            c/o ACTS 
  3517 East Red Bridge Road
    Kansas City, MO 64137.

To give online:
1.) go to and click on the link for online giving.
2.) on the next page, enter you email address and follow the instructions for online going. 
3.) when entering your payment amount, make sure that "Luke 18 Project" is selected as the designation. (the program I am in is under Luke 18 Project) (if Luke 18 Project is not selected, the payment will not go toward my program). Also, make sure you are making a one-time donation, not recurring) 
4. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE. Once the transaction is completed, you will receive an email receipt. Please forward the receipt to '' with my name (Conrad Brown) in the subject line.

If you have any questions let me know!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Praying people evangelize. . .

“Jesus didn’t say ‘go and make Christians’ no, He said ‘go and make DISCIPLES!’ ” 
-Brian Kim
It's almost been 3 weeks since I have transitioned into the IHOP-KC community. ACTS has fully blown every expectation I had for it out of the water. I must say that the teachings and teachers alike are some of the best one could receive on world evangelization. The position and desire of their hearts to make His name known throughout the world is definitely motivational to rise up as a generation and hasten the Lord's return. Walking alongside 50ish like-minded people has pushed and challenged me to go much deeper into the Word and in my relationship with the Lord. We are all here for the one purpose and that is to go into the nations and let incense arise in the darkest places. (Mal. 1:11)

We found out where we are going for our outreach portion of this track two weeks ago. I am honored to be part of a small team of 7 going into the Middle East (We can't specify the exact location due to the sensitivity of the location). I am very excited for this. We have spent the past 2 weeks during our small groups just allowing the Lord to speak to us pertaining our group and our time in the Middle East. There is much excitement stirring in my heart for just the continual growth He has for me. 

The first week we had Matt and Dana Candler in our morning class teaching on intimacy with the Lord. And Mon-Wed last week we had Corey Russell teaching on the formation of messengers. Corey gave us 4 facets to becoming a better messenger: 1. Having the knowledge of God. 2. Fellowshipping with the Spirit. 3. Revelation of intercession. 4. Knowing/understanding the urgency of this hour.  This week has dramatically changed a lot of our lives. Last week we began class praying in the Spirit for about 20 min. People were being delivered and were given prophetic words for the class. The rule was, if you feel like you got a word for everyone, you had to share it. What was supposed to be only like 30 min ended up being about an hour and a half. People receiving deliverance and restoration, repenting and confessing, and acting and obeying. 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Catch me up in Your story...

(The song in the YouTube video is pretty much the theme song of my life currently!)
Today marks a very important day in my life. It is the last day I plan on living with my parents; it's the last day - for a while - that I will have much control over my life; it's the last day that I will have financial comfort;  Today marks the day that my life book finishes a chapter and begins the next. Tomorrow morning I leave the wonderful, small, quiet town of Mexico and move to Kansas City. I'm not going to lie, I've gone back and forth on if this is really what I'm supposed to do. I've gone DEEP in prayer for the Lord to take COMPLETE control of my life. And starting tomorrow He is definitely take all control of everything in my life. I haven't been one that HAS to have all control in life, but this next step in my life is a really hard one to take. I begin going under training with the Antioch Center for Training and Sending the moment I check in tomorrow. Once I get into this program, the Lord has specifically told me that the story He is writing for me is one that many try to take over and rewrite. I want to be so "caught up in His story" that nothing else matters. I know that some days, I'll be so tired and worn down that I will be ready to quit. But, we all have been given this task to make His name known throughout the nations (in some measure). My heart's desire is to reach the most unreached/restricted nations with the knowledge of Jesus Christ. How sweet is it that we GET to proclaim who He is and how GOOD He is?! The God we serve is like no other!
I recently listend to a sermon on Matthew 8. In this sermon, the guy brought up the reality that in EVERY area of our life - good and bad - God wants you to let Him become LORD over it, over it ALL! What brings you joy, what makes you sad, what you struggle with - lust, pride, insecurity, etc. - what ever emotion you are dealing with, GIVE HIM THE POWER OVER IT! We have two options: we can either dwell in the evil, or REST in His peace. Allowing Him to become Lord over every area of your life isn't easy. Being human, we want to become our own lord over those things. I know in my own life I get into this place where I'm even embarrassed/ ashamed to give it to Him. It allows defeat in the battle of life. Having to give up our power to Him is difficult, but the outcome is much more beautiful. I'm listening to the prayer room right now and the line being repeated is "You want to give more than we ask or think, let Your Word run!" We have no idea how much the Lord wants us to give up our understanding of this world so that He can show us much greater things than we can ever do ourselves. Please be praying for me. Specifically that daily I am able to give up EVERYTHING to the Lord. That He remains Lord of my life. I still need all of the money for my outreach portion of this program, I know He will provide; but prayer is appreciated. May he "put me anywhere and put His glory in me."  Thank you for being apart of my story, the Lord is writing a pretty sweet one for me!


Monday, June 11, 2012

God, the Father

The Lord has been pressing on my heart recently to understand the true love that wins. It scares me to think that there are believers being led down a path believing a false doctrine. Definitely allows one to believe that the day of Jesus' return is quickly approaching with the false prophets and other things occurring. I've recently been taunted with the thoughts that I'm just not good enough for Jesus to welcome me into His courts. I mean, daily I fail Him. But then I'm gently reminded that no one is worthy of it, but it's His mercy and grace that allows for us ugly, nasty, filthy people to hold onto the fact that one day we will be able to be without spot or blemish and simply worship Him.
As the days get closer to ACTS beginning, the anticipation grows more and more. I am still in need of quite a bit of money. Somedays I tempted to think, even, that I made the wrong decision for doing ACTS and that I should've done camp. But then I slap myself in the face and say, "dude, you're dumb. Jesus has so much more planned for you!"
I have a prophetic word written in my journal the was given a few months ago that was much needed yesterday. As many know, my relationship with my father is definitely not the greatest. Pretty much my whole life he has abandoned me. After having a conversation with him yesterday (first since February), we came to the mutual agreement that our feelings toward each other are retaliation and bitterness. Every time in the past, when we would come to mutual agreements on how our relationship needed improvement, he would disappear. After much prayer and consideration, I've decided that to protect my heart and relationship the Lord has so generously given me, my dad and I need to take some steps away from each other. I could be wrong, but I believe that it is what I have to do. I can't continue living in this unhealthy relationship pouring my heart out and being crushed each time. Sometimes, to be able to mature as an individual, we must, not ignore and forget,  but step back from certain individuals. 
The word that I read in my journal was this: "I hear the Father saying, he's asking, 'Will you really trust me? Do you believe that I'm really able to keep you? Do you believe that I'm really able to provide for you? Do you trust me? Though you can't see in front of you and you don't know what's ahead, what's coming. Will you believe that I'm a good good Father and that I'm able to keep you and provide for you. Oh leave the worry aside, my child! Let me lead you. Oh will you hand over the pen of your life and let me write your story. I'm longing to lead you and I'm longing to write out a beautiful story, a beautiful journey. Hand over the keys of your life. Would you let me lead you, let me guide you. Let go! I promise you can trust me! I know that all your life you've had to fight for yourself. You've had to prove yourself you don't have to do that with me. I'm here to fight and provide for you I'm here to be your father. I'm not like the father you know. I will give you all that you need. I'll write a really good story for you. I love you. Will you trust me? Will you let me give you all that you need? Just open your heart! Open your heart and just believe!'"

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Being Steadfast.

"Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your mercy, thank you for your gentleness. You're so patient with me" Work project today..... Pick up trash around the perimeter of Walmart then push carts.I secretly kind of enjoyed it - I got to be alone and pray all day. It's been a pretty good day. I got a nice tan and a good workout. While praying, I was just throwing out a lot of frustration at the Lord. I've recently found myself in this place of thinking that maybe, just maybe I'm not cut out for this life the Lord has called me into. I haven't felt that I've given enough to Him for Him to provide for me. I mean, why would the Lord grant me $7000 while everyday I slap Him in the face? Maybe I messed up too many times and the Lord is giving my task to someone else, someone that can handle it more efficiently. I was acting childish, I was frustrated with myself so much that I wasn't satisfied with the thought that I could still be rewarded the opportunity to serve the Lord in a foreign nation. After much prayer to the Lord, everything in me was quieted - an experience I can't explain any other way. I felt as if the Lord wanted me to know that He still has this for me. There is NOTHING in this world that He CAN'T overcome. He asked me if I still trusted that he will provide for me. Of course I said yes. But he wanted me to go deeper, He asked for me to put EVERYTHING aside and just let Him do it. He is working on gaining my trust, that I would trust that He will provide even in the dry season. I am still going through a season of refining and refreshing and in this season, He wants us to know that He is the One who will provide; that He is the One that will "shepherd [us] and lead [us] to living fountains of waters. And will wipe away EVERY tear from [our] eyes" (Revelation 7:17) Going through Peter's epistles has brought light into a lot of darkness in my life. 2 Peter 3: 17-18 says, "You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked, but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen." What I want, and what I know the Lord wants out of me is to do just that, "grow in the grace and knowledge of Him." I am willing to lay everything aside and follow Him. I trust that if His desire is for me to go into the darkest nations and let His people know who He is, then He will perfectly provide the way for me to do so. Sure, I will have to work hard still, and I can't just sit around expecting it all to come to me. This life I want to live is going to be hard (but the end result will be worth it!). Things cant just happen as soon as we want them to all the time. If it worked that way, we wouldn't necessarily need to put our faith in Jesus. I have a little more than a month until I begin ACTS and right now, I am satisfied in knowing that the Lord is going to bring in everything I need to do this. I'm giving it to Him. That's really all we can do right? 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Representation of Christ

1 Peter 1: 13-15 "Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope FULLY upon the GRACE that is brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in ALL you conduct."
          Working at Walmart has recently been giving me much opportunity to observe the many people I encounter on a daily basis. This biggest thing that bothered me today is the fact that we separate ourselves into our own made up "groups". For example, one who has money automatically becomes better than one that doesn't, or they even see themselves as a much higher priority than myself. In some ways, I can understand (having a higher education, having to work hard for the successful position you are in, etc.). But, does/should this get in the way of our ministry? So many "worlds" the human race separates itself into. It breaks my heart to remember that Jesus died so that one day ALL people will confess He is the only TRUE and LIVING Lord. It breaks my heart because the closer He and I get in our friendship, the more I can feel His heart. None of us should be in a position to judge. Watching protests against a bill being signed for an equal rights marriage and seeing people at Planned Parenthood be just plain nasty because people have opposing beliefs. In my own opinion, this will not and cannot change any non-believer's opinions. We cannot throw out harsh judgement when we have our own sins we deal with on a daily basis. I think the girl who has an abortion will respond to someone who listens, someone that is loving, someone who puts on Christ and cries with her and communicates with her without a convicting tone. We all deserve a second chance, correct? Granted, there is repentance needing brought forth, but isn't there something we ALL have or have to repent of? What we need to do in these times of pressing, in these last days, is unite together and begin to act as the Bride of Christ. Our point of existence isn't merely the fact of bringing people to Christ, it's loving Him and befriending Him to the point that you desire NOTHING else. In this place, you will begin to be the representation of Christ that attracts our lost brothers and sisters to Jesus. KNOW HIM! simply Him and only Him! He is all it takes; He is all you need; He is the ONLY One that can and and will bring people to Him.

Father, I am sorry for any wrong I have brought to any person. I pray for those struggling trying to find who they are, who they are in You. Jesus, I am sorry that we daily take for granted the death you died on the cross. Bring you children to you. Jesus I ask that you come. Fall on your people. Use me more and more to help others understand you. My hope and desire is to become a representation of who You are. Jesus you purchased me when I was impure; you bought me in your complete purity. You washed me clean and set me free, free to worship you, bow at your feet, and give you my EVERYTHING. I humbly give you me! Right now I ask that the way people present themselves in a daily mannor becomes a reflection of who you are. Be with your broken ones and be their comfort. I love you Jesus, In your name, amen. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Peter. . .

The Lord has been teaching me a lot about what a true raw and intimate relationship looks like with Him. Specifically He has been teaching me about our friendship we have with Him. I recently listened to this sermon on the topic of a "friendship with the Bridegroom". This phrase is so often used, but I've never really considered it a key factor into my own life. In Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 3, The Shulamite (the Bride, or, in this case followers of Jesus) says, "I sat down in his shade with great delight...he brought me to the banqueting house and his banner over me was love." This verse fits so perfectly in a friendship, we need to get on a level of intimacy with the Lord to come and sit "in his shade with great delight" and rest with him. Come to Him with you troubles, with your excitement, with EVERYTHING you are and set your heart to live in this reality all the days of your life.
In this sermon, the girl brings up Peter's relationship with Jesus and how perfect their relationship can be related to a relationship you and I can and should have with Jesus. Peter is considered to have been one of Jesus closest friends. Right before Jesus was betrayed and crucified, He warned Peter that he would deny even knowing Jesus three times. Peter was dumbfounded that he even heard such a thing. I can only imagine what was going through Peter's mind at the time. He had to have been thinking, "Jesus I love you and you are my best friend. You are the Son of the Living God, I would NEVER betray you." He told Jesus that even if death came in his way, he would never lie about knowing and following Jesus. But, sure enough when Jesus was taken away, a lady came to him and began questioning if he was a follower of Jesus. After the third time of denying the accusation, Jesus looked at him. Peter was struck hard, in the moment, he was ashamed, nervous, scared, etc. He had to have realized how much it hurt Jesus. He ran a weeped. After this, though, Peter's ministry was like never before. He finally realized how close he was with Jesus. He was hurt that his best friend was taken away. Seeing the sins of the world, he began preaching that things needed to change. Although it may have been messages of conviction, I can't help but to think that his ministry was also one of lovesickness. He wanted to be with Jesus again. He wanted to see this man whom he gave up everything to follow. In the beginning of the girls message, she mentioned one of her professors beginning class talking about oil; the oil from the parable of the ten virgins Matthew 25. He said this, which will stick with me hopefully forever, "This oil is the ability to dial down in a moment of pressure and to actually access the Holy Spirit within and to actually connect with His heart in some of the moments of our greatest pressing." Shoot. Loving Jesus, being His friend and building a better relationship has been by far the best decision I have made. Growing closer with Him and digger deeper into His word has only made me longing for more; burning with a desire for His return. My hope and my prayer is that this blog will help me to lay out my thoughts and help those who read it as well through my study.
Jesus I love that you are faithful. I love that you love me and want to know me. help me to love you with my WHOLE heart. On the day I meet you face to face, I pray that you say that I loved you well. Let it be said that I chose you over EVERYTHING in this world. I want to be found as a faithful witness. Use me and the people that read this to hasten your return. Unite your Bride, give us boldness to proclaim who you are really. In Your name Jesus, Amen.